Perhaps you're like me and saw your massive table slow down alot....
Here is a simple problem:
"SELECT * FROM episodes LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {start*limit};"
The problem is quite insidious because it runs in 0.05s when you start, but by the 30 millionth row it might take 10s.... This is because the offset rule in sqllite will actually go through the database throwing out rows, until you get to the offset desired!!
They both have their advantages. I will list 4 major advantages of each, there may be more but this is the short version.
It is important to know when programming how to prevent hacking. Here is another way where PHPixie works great and as expected.It appears to me that PHPixie protects against alot of stanard hacking if used in the proper and expected way:
When getting post data, instead of using the standard PHP: $_POST["variable_name"]; (WRONG)
When adding it into the database do NOT use mysql queries... instead use...